Happy 'almost' Halloween ! I am a huge Halloween geek ! I take my decorating and my Halloween movies very seriously. Sadly, I have to wait for Mr. D to work nights to watch anything paranormal or scary because those kind of shows give him nightmares. *holds stomach laughing* . No Joke, I'll need someone to go with me to see the new Halloween Movie !
Over the next few weeks on my Facebook page I'll be posting all sorts of games and Halloween memes. If you love Halloween too then give my page a like and join in the fun and share anything you think I'd enjoy. Those of you who do follow me already know my twisted kind of sense of humor.

This year Mr D and I will be attending a Halloween party and I've spent hours online looking for the perfect gruesome couples costumes, despite Mr. D's proclamation that he's going to be a cowboy. When I shared with him a few pictures of some really cool 'dark' costumes he looked disappointed. Apparently I'm looking for Scary and he was hoping more 'Slutty'. Geesh, I am a Gramma now. I can't rock the fishnets and bustiers anymore dude. Gravity has NOT been kind to me. doh ! I encourage you to dress up in something scary and go out and terrify your friends or put on something sexy/naughty behind closed doors and have playtime with your honey ! Either is a win in my books ! Whatever you decide to do this Halloween let yourself free and have a little fun!
Only a few more weeks until the much awaited Kalicon Author Signing in Belleville, Ontario on October 27th from 11 to 3. General admission is FREE !
I'm well into making special Halloween swag and if all goes well I'll have the first section of my Halloween Serial ready for sale. Keep watching my social media for updates and keep your fingers crossed ! Kalicon is a multi-genre event that caters to readers of all ages. There are extra events planned for REGISTERED guests. If you haven't bought your registered tickets yet, you can still by them online at this link- Kalicon Signing info and tickets
I'll have some special gifts for those who PREORDER their books for Kalicon... Don't miss out !

My new release Unbound was voted 2nd place in Best Contemporary Romance. I don't know how to explain how very humbled I am and appreciative of everyone who voted. This series is very special to me and it warms my heart to know that so many readers have loved it too.
Unbound on Kindle Also available on most ebook platforms. Check with your fav ebook provider.
The full Bound4Ireland Trilogy is available on Kindle Unlimited until the end of the year and is available to purchase exclusively through Amazon.
For the rest of the month you can take part in this fantastic Halloween Book Hop ! Never done a 'HOP' Before? You start with a list of participating authors and visit their pages to get a chance to win some fantastic prizes and then HOP to the next one on the list. At the end of the hopping there is a grand prize Rafflecopter ! Start HERE !