Hello there! Mother nature has decided to give us another blast of winter this weekend. I'm beginning to wonder if spring will ever arrive. For those of you who have been following me on Facebook, you already know that I found a surgeon who recognized the severity of my hip deterioration and scheduled me for immediate surgery. That day being Monday. (gasps) Although I know that total hip replacement is a well practiced and fairly common surgery these days, it's still surgery and I'm a little anxious. Thank you, for all your reassurances and comforting encouragements.
Before the pain started a few years ago, I had no warnings. It seemed to creep up on me overnight. I sought out a medical help, but the nurse practitioner mistakenly diagnosed it as a sciatic nerve issue. I spent several months on nerve blockers that obviously didn't help and the pain worsened. It was almost a year later that I begged my doctor to look further into the problem. X-rays very clearly showed the severe osteoarthritis and I was told that it would never get better. Without surgical intervention, it would most certainly get worse. And it did.
I went from a healthy active lifestyle to not being able to cut my own toenails. Eventually, the pain and mobility restrictions were so great that I had to stop driving. I'm lucky that my employer is trusting and he let me work from home. It's tough. Really tough. I loved walking, and dancing and the freedom that one enjoys without restrictions and I definitely took it for granted. I've always been a self-sufficient person and very independent. I've very lucky to have Mr. D in my life because he has shouldered all the additional responsibilities and extra work in the past few weeks without complaint.
I have a new appreciation for the challenges that those who are handicapped, and those who are elderly encounter every day. I've done a lot of travelling around the world in the past few years and Canada is definitely one of best, well-equipped countries regarding access for those with physical restrictions or disabilities. Even then I've had ridiculous challenges at places like IKEA who has elevators and wheelchairs but has difficult or impossible floor transfers between rooms making it impossible for me to view the displays. The Mcdonalds close to my work has handicapped parking but it's on the furthest side of the parking lot and I had to walk through and across the drive-thru to get to the door. One of the Walmarts had a handicapped stall with no hooks to hang my cane and the support rail was on the opposite side of the stall nowhere near the toilet. I couldn't have used it to get up off the toilet even if I had go-go gadget arms. lol Even the hospital was surprisingly challenging with its elevator doors that close before you can get all the way in the door and the uneven, jagged walkways and transfers in the parking lots. Although Mr. D. does make some amusing sound effects when he's launching me over ledges, bouncing me into corners and getting stuck in potholes.
I'm looking forward to a successful procedure with little complications and a speedy rehabilitation. Hopefully, with some hard work and determination, I'll be good as new in a few months. I will always remember the pain and the struggles and I hope that I will find time to be an advocate for those who will always have those challenges.
Pre-Order available now Amazon Pre-Order Release date on Kindle April 16th, Everywhere else on April 18th.
I’m Carter Brant. Most people dream of the love of their life. I dream about the love of my life… times two. As if it’s not enough that I feel like I’m stuck in some kind of weird time warp in a different country, I constantly deal with the unyielding push and pull that I feel between them.
All my success and everything I value, I owe to Ethan O’Connell: my boat, my luxury home, my Ferrari F12 Berlinetta, and my big fat bank account. You’d think I’d be happy with all that, but lately, I want more. The playboy lifestyle isn’t as fulfilling as it used to be. I long to find a woman I can call my own. One I can start a family with, like the woman in my dreams. That’s the kind of love I want to find. Imagine how devastating it is to discover that woman is in love with my best friend.
Release Celebration Sunday April 15 from 7 : 9:30 pm est. Join a few very close friends as they help me launch my new release Unbound - A novella from the Bound4 Series. Link to Tricia Daniels Author page
Cleveland Author Event. This is the last year for this event and it promises to go out with a big bang. Hope to see you there June 23rd, 2018 Cleveland Author Event Website
Kalicon. Belleville Ontario. October 26 and 27th. This may be my ONLY Canadian signing this year. If you haven't got your tickets yet, make sure you do. Kalicon Website & Ticket purchase