Monday, June 2, 2014

From high school class to a published story ~ post by Jessica E. Subject #dystopian #GLBT #sale

I don't know about you, but in high school, we had a set number of courses we had to take each year, and in the empty spaces in our timetables, we could fill them with electives. So, back in grade 11, I signed up for a Science Fiction English class. Why? Because my boyfriend at the time signed up for the class, too. Sure, I had an interest in sci-fi, but I'm not sure I would have signed up for the class had he not registered, too. Shortly after that, we broke up, but I still took the class. And one of the assignments inspired the first book in The Underground series, Never Gonna Let You Go.

Here's an excerpt from the story:

If only I could touch his sexy body again.

Standing at the edge of the camp, Calla Jacobs couldn’t stop staring at the toned and tanned body of Erik Edwards, aerospace mechanic for mission SFAE-3, while he worked to repair the core drill. She tried to tear her gaze away, willed her feet to move so she could get to the plains of Airondelle, but it just didn’t happen. She watched as sweat trickled down the center of his back, and she closed her eyes, breathing in his pure, masculine scent. The memory from years ago, of running her hands across the wide expanse of his upper body and through his thick, blond curls, only made things worse. She didn’t love him anymore—at least not in the way she had when they’d dated. And still, Erik would always hold a place in her heart. They’d grown up together, been best friends, even after they’d broken up, until he’d married Holloway.

Erik snapped open a bottle of water, took a large swig, and then poured the rest over his head with a heavy sigh. She could almost hear the water sizzle.

Oh, to be one of those water droplets cascading down his bare chest. She’d enjoy the water so much more if she could stand close enough to lick it off of his body before it dripped to the ground. Grimacing, she clenched her fists. Jeez, pull it together.

Their mission on the barren planet did not include sexual affairs. In fact, except for already established marriages, sex was forbidden outright; the mission could not be compromised by all of the emotions and distractions a sexual bond brought. She and Erik had ended their three-year relationship for that reason— they’d both dreamed of being a part of the mission responsible for confirming the existence of a planet capable of sustaining life. And neither of them had felt ready to get married. They’d promised to wait for each other until they’d served their time and had remained friends throughout their training. Two months before their departure date, Erik had eloped with the mission commander, Melina Holloway, a woman Calla could never compete with in terms of brains and beauty. A quick divorce had followed, but the short-lived marriage had left Erik with a chip on his shoulder. And he’d refused to talk to Calla about anything other than the mission, if at all.

And all month long, all three stories in the series are only $0.99 at select retailers!

Never Gonna Let You Go – Amazon | All Romance | Decadent

Never Gonna Desert You – Amazon | All Romance | Decadent

Never Gonna Say Goodbye – Amazon | All Romance | Decadent

Happy reading!


  1. Ohhh why didn't my school have fiction writing??? You lucky girl!
    Nice excerpt! I could hear the water sizzling off his body. Yummy. :-)


    1. I was very lucky to take this elective, Jan. It wasn't a course that was offered every year. Glad you enjoyed the excerpt! :)
