Friday, February 12, 2016

Snow ~ A four-letter word #CanadaEh #OhCanada

Snow is a four-letter word. Yes, one of those words you shouldn't say, especially when you have plans. On Wednesday, I had tickets to see two Canadian artists in concert (Raine Maida and Chantal Kreviazuk). But, the entire day it snowed, and sometimes it was so blustery, I didn't think I'd make it to the out-of-town event. Luckily, the snow died down shortly before we left, and the concert was MAGICAL, but snow doesn't only cause problems for me, it also causes many problems for the characters of my stories...

From Accidental Romance:

Racing toward the barn, she slipped on a patch of ice. Her feet flew up in the air, and she landed hard on her ass, slamming her elbows into the ground. Sharp pain traveled through her body, and she whimpered. With a groan, she rolled to her side and shuffled to get up, pressing her nub and hand to the ground. What a way to start her day.

And there are particular things characters who live in snowy areas do that those who don't get snow don't always do...

From Sudden Breakaway:

The boy skidded straight across the slippery linoleum, his body slamming into Jared’s knees.

Jared stumbled back, trying to regain his balance, and grasped the doorknob. The latch clicked open. Losing his footing again, he stumbled to the floor, his nephew landing on top of him. Groaning, he glanced up at the woman standing above him; his former commander’s wife. “Can I help you, Mrs. Collins?

She lifted Dylan and balanced him on her hip. “From the look of things, I think I can help you.” Slipping off her shoes, she lined them on the mat beside the rest of the footwear and continued into the house. “I’m giving you the day off.”

I'm not sure if you caught that, but we take our boots and shoes off at the door. Tracking snow through the house leads to slippery floors. And a mess.

From Hey, Santa:

Her Santa had arrived. But instead of the white-haired, bearded man with the fuzzy red suit, she stared at a Greek god. Broad shoulders. Muscles constricted by the sleeves of his dress shirt. His wavy brown hair looked wet, as if he’d recently stepped out of the shower. Or maybe snow had started to fall since she’d arrived. 

Yes, hair styles often don't last with wind and snow whipping at you. The alternative is to wear a had which flattens everything.

In the winter, there can also be frozen doors, slippery roads and sidewalks, snow falling down the back of your neck, freezing cold temperatures that numb your face, and so much more.

So, what do you think of snow? Do you enjoy it, or does it cause you more problems?


  1. If that happened to be (snowing all day before the concert) when I arrived at the auditorium, there would be a big CANCELED DUE TO SNOW on the door. By Canadians persevere through all weather!

    1. Yes, we have to. And the city where the concert was didn't get as much snow as we did here. All the lake effect snow had left the clouds by the time it reached Kitchener.
