Friday, July 31, 2015

Road Trip #Canada Style: Nova Scotia: So Much to Sea by @KarynGerrard #Beach #Ocean

Being married to a teacher has its advantages. Though he works hard during the year, often into the evening way past school hours, one benefit is we have the summer off. We usually travel, taking different route each time. I have been to 40 out of 50 states (okay, some just driving through, but still) and 9 out of 10 Canadian provinces and 1 territory (I crossed into The Northwest Territories!).

Usually our end destination is Nova Scotia, our home province where the fam lives. But not this year. Unfortunately there has been a lot going on in my real life which has cut into a lot of my social media time. Due to my hubs's health, there is no summer adventure this year.

However, I thought I would go to Nova Scotia in my blog post. I have set some of my stories there. Timeless Heart, my vampire Blackthorne series with Evernight Publishing takes place on the South Shore of the province. And so did my shifter stories under another pen name.

For those not familiar where exactly Nova Scotia is, check it out on the map to the left. We are the greened-in area on the east coast jutting out into the Atlantic Ocean. And regardless of Hollywood movies like World War Z which shows Nova Scotia as "wearing parkas in June" and a "seagull laden, rocky wasteland" it is far from the truth. :)

The Halifax municipality has a population of 390.000, and the province itself about 960,000.. Halifax always makes the list of "The best cities to live in Canada".

Founded in 1749, it is a major port and a global city, and still steeped in history with loads of landmarks,  museums, and historical buildings,including gorgeous Victorian homes in the south end.

A shot of down-town Halifax from the harbour. Major economic centre, as well as educational with many universities and the arts, including Neptune Theatre and Symphony Nova Scotia to name a few.

On the whole, Nova Scotia has a humid continental climate which means for the most part, winters are mild compared to the rest of Canada. One drawback, since we are jutting out into the Atlantic, there is a fair bit of rain and the chance of severe storms, summer and winter, though  if we get snow during the winter months, for the most part it melts quickly.

And talk about fresh seafood! There is an abundance. Nothing like hanging out at the waterfront, sitting outside a Halifax pub (like The Lower Deck) on a summer day, listening to Celtic rock and drinking ice cold Alexander Keith's pale ale while eating deep fried haddock and fries. *sigh*

Here is a shot of the Lunenburg area down the South Shore of the province. The Lighthouse Route is a gorgeous drive. Highly recommend!

In the eastern end of the province is the isle of Cape Breton, attached to Nova Scotia by a causeway. Nova Scotia means "New Scotland" in Latin, and a lot of Scots settled in Cape Breton because the rolling, mountainous area is very similar to the Highlands of Scotland. In fact, my hero in 'My Highlander Cover Model' had his descendants settle here. :)

It's where the hubs's family is from. He was born there, but moved to the Halifax area when he was five years of age.

You haven't seen anything until you've driven around the Cabot Trail, (named after explorer John Cabot) voted one of top islands to visit in the world. Check out the Cabot Trail HERE

And I didn't even mention all the great beaches! Hey, they're everywhere! We're surrounded by water!

If you're planning a trip to anywhere in Canada, I have to recommend Nova Scotia! You won't be disappointed!

Now I'm homesick. *wink* Pass the lobster rolls!

Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Tsu/Amazon Page

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Photo Inspiration

I love using pictures as inspiration.  The goal is to write something about 250 words based on a single picture. It's a great way to get the creative part of my brain kicked into gear and I enjoy the strange places I end up. Sometimes, I'll revisit books I've already written and other times it will be something fresh and new I'm playing with.
This time of year when the temperature fluctuates with the humidity it's not unusual for fog to settle in low areas and I've always loved the look of it. I didn't take this picture but there's a park near by that it reminds me of.

James peered through the lens of his camera and snapped two more photos. He’d come here almost every day in the last week, taking pictures as he waited for the perfect blend of warm earth and cool autumn air. The fog settling over the park this evening might as well been magic.
"Come with me if you want to live." A deep voice came from behind him but James didn’t bother to turn around and possibly miss a perfect moment.
"Whatever, dude.” He’d told his roommate where he was going tonight but obviously hadn’t made it clear enough he wanted to be alone. “I'm not going to the Terminator marathon with you tonight." If he didn’t get these pictures perfect, he’d blow his chance at the opening in the gallery and any possibility of making a living off his art.
A thick arm wrapped around his midsection and lifted him from the ground as if he weight nothing more than a bag of potatoes.
"What the hell!" Something hard jammed against his ribs. A bat or a gun? He had no idea at this point, but this was not his roommate. Fear sent adrenaline coursing through his veins
The deep voice growled sounded right next to his ear, “Who the hell are you? Where’s the film?”
James had spent his entire life standing up to bullies and old habits died as hard as his sense of self-preservation "Who am I? Who the hell are you?"
I was so excited when I saw this picture and almost immediately I could hear a growly bass voice in my head. To me, there had to be something nefarious hiding in the shadows of this beautiful peaceful scene. LOL
What do you think? (I do apologize for the cliff hanger.) Who do you think the mysterious stranger should be? Hero or Bad guy? 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Romantic Plans On Canadian Soil

Canadian Romance, Eh?
Blog Post by: Kali Willows

The summer is flying by and I haven’t even begun to try half of the wonderful adventures I hoped to go on. It made me pause and wonder, with all the glory of the Canadian outdoors and being a romance author, what makes me swoon me, locally? The first thing that always comes to mind is the beauty and serenity of the open water.

That particular pause gave rise to recall a deeply fond memory I shared with my husband long before the birth of either of my children. We had the good fortune to go on a dinner cruise in the Island Star 1000 Islands Cruise, based out of Kingston, Ontario.

We had a lovely four course dinner, a romantic three hour cruise and the entertainment was a talented man with a microphone, guitar and some fantastic historic tales of the 1000 Islands and how they came to be. One bucket list item his tales sparked for me is to go on another cruise where we can actually stop on Heart Island and tour inside a real live castle!

After dinner, wine and an enjoyable evening on the water, topped with romantic dancing and the occasional stolen kiss, we finished the night off at a quaint little bed and breakfast in the heart of downtown Kingston.

This deluxe Rosemount Bed and Breakfast, way back when we stayed, was a picturesque Victorian house with a white picket fence and hosted by a lovely couple. They provided comfy rooms, duvet covers, a fireplace at the foot of the bed, and a hot tub you could swim in.

After a night of cuddles and romance, we awoke to the most divine aroma of breakfast cooking downstairs. We joined the other guests and the hosts for a decadent breakfast of homemade French toast, so thick it filled you plate, they topped it with cherries and whipped cream, along with true Canadian maple syrup, bacon, tea and juice. The extra ghost tales of lingering guests from days long past, added to the charm of this quaint little establishment, and sparked another bucket list idea to return to Kingston for…A ghost walk! But, that appeals to your typical paranormal romance author. *wink* But that’s a tale for another post.

Have a great summer and Happy Reading!

Canadian living, at its best.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Canada Shines at Pan Am Games & Author Happenings

The Pan Am Games are well underway in Toronto,Ontario, and Canada is holding its own very, very well in the medal count! Fabulous news. Go Canada Go!!! Our water sports have been a highlight for Canadian athletes, with many medals won from those sports.

It's terrific to see so many people on social media praising the athletes and that our nation is coming together to cheer our talented athletes on. Nothing like coming together in a positive way when there is so much chaos and anger in other parts of the world. To set all that aside temporarily helps to keep me sane. 

I've been crazy busy -- yes not just watching the Games -- but with writing and farming and full time mom thing. I always laugh when people say to me "Oh you don't work, just stay at home?" I glare for a few seconds then say, "I have 3 full time jobs, #1 being a mom."  Sometimes I wonder if women I know that ask me that, understand that they too are full time mothers? Or maybe I am more involved in my children's lives than they are in theirs...?
The kids and I are having a lazy summer. Hanging around the house, a few beach days every week, and coming up with new ways to increase the farm stuff.

Hmm, but I digress. I've got two books coming out with Evernight Publishing in the next couple of months. Stirring Up Dirty releases JULY 24th!!. In it, readers will finally have Candy's story, whom they met in Dare

I've also finished my first shifter story!!! Huge for me. A challenge that I tried to shy away from but conquered. Fighting for Honor features a black panther and a white Siberian Tiger. First in a series, and I look forward to getting back to that.

At the moment, I'm working on a younger man/older woman story. It's coming together very well, but my heroine is way too stubborn for me! She and I are constantly battling over time, space, and the hero. So far, untitled but I have one in mind, just not sure it's definite yet.

I've also sent in a proposal for a WOLF story!! I'm challenging myself to write out of my comfort zone these days -- until they become comfy LOL -- and I am pleased with the possible story. I hope the publisher give me the go ahead on that. *fingers crossed*

And on the farm... well, the new calves are growing in leaps and bounds. Some have impeccable lines and will bring in a good amount of money. Cattle prices are up right now, so it's a plus for us.  We also have meat (browler) chickens. They don't care for the heat, we actually have a fan in their housing, but they're doing well and will be in my freezer within the month! Looking forward to that, and then starting the process all over again.

I've opened up my street team to be a Reader & Street Team, so that readers can also stay updated, discuss any books with me, enjoy in some fun there. Surprises and daily fun.
Want to join, click the image....

That's it for me this month.

Hugs and Happy Reading to all!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Summer in Southern Ontario, Charming small towns, Waterfront Inspiration

Summer in Southern Ontario

Hey there! Happy Canadian summer! Now that winter finally seems to have moved off, I hope you’ve all found the opportunity to curl up with a good book, or an old favorite, on one of our many awesome Ontario waterfronts and enjoy the sunshine and warm weather. Myself, I love being near the water. There is something settling and healing about it. Up until recently, we owned a rustic cottage on beautiful Sturgeon Lake in the Kawarthas. It’s where my story came to life and blossomed into my first published novel. Even the ending of my second book would not have come to fruition without the warm breeze, melodic bird songs and the gentle sound of the rolling waves as they came to rest on the shore. Today, on our travels we came across a small lake nestled near a small charming Ontario town. I paused for a moment to enjoy the view and became inspired by its beauty. It’s the kind of place where, as an author, I could unfold my chair on that warm sand, open up my laptop and write. It offers so much more than just sun burnt skin, sandy feet and bug bites. Words flow freely when the soul is settled and the mind is at peace. It’s that calmness that very quickly spurs my creative mind into action, allowing characters and ideas to form into stories to share with all of you. Now that the family cottage has been sold, I’ll spend my time taking little adventures to search out more of Ontario’s little hidden inspiration spots. I’m sure that each new town, each journey, will bring me in touch with interesting characters and inspiring Canadian landscapes to use as the back drops for my upcoming stories. So I’m wondering, what places in Ontario have inspired you?

Excerpt from Intractable Souls Book 1 from the Bound4Ireland series.

Standing in front of the glow of the fire, they warm themselves from the chill of the evening air. When the band resumes playing after their brief break, Ethan and Olivia find themselves alone by the fire. The next tune is a slow, sappy love song and Olivia gets mellow. “I love this song,” she says, closing her eyes.
Ethan snuggles up behind her and sways with her, their bodies fitting perfectly together. Singing along with the music in perfect pitch, he serenades her. His smooth voice is so seductive in her ear that it stirs in her very powerful feelings. Even the thundering sound of her pulse seems distant and insignificant.
She melts into his body for support, feeling like her legs have suddenly become boneless. When the song is over, she feels overheated by the combination of the fire and the flame he’s ignited inside her.
Ethan whispers in her ear, “Both the moon and I are consumed with jealousy tonight, Olivia. I, due to the attention you gave to an undeserving man,”
Olivia frowns, regretting that choice. “And the moon?” she asks, trying to steer away from conversation about Noah.
“The moon, for failing to compete with your beauty.”
Olivia suddenly finds it difficult to breathe. His closeness makes her uneasy. The man has a way of jump-starting her anxiety. She tries to focus on her breathing. Reminding herself that Ethan would never hurt her. Walking away, she tries to hide her sudden onset of vulnerability.
A few feet away, the property boundary is marked with a tree line of tall maples. She leans her back against one of the large trunks, trying to find her balance.
Ethan follows, putting his hand against the trunk just above her head. His body presses against her side making her heartbeat quicker. His incessant stare is daunting, forcing her to look down, trying to avoid it.
Breathing in her perfume, Ethan becomes intoxicated by its sweet, seductive scent. Lifting his free hand, he wraps it around her waist, holding her there. Christ, this woman is so beautiful when she tries to hide the way he affects her.
Ethan presses his mouth against her ear, gently nipping at her lobe. The warmth of his breath against her ear gives her goose bumps. Noticing her reaction, he moves his hand from her side, rubbing up and down her arm trying to warm her. “Are you cold?” The muscles in her stomach tighten and her chest heaves as she inhales quickly.
“No.” She shakes her head.
“What then?” He knows what. He just needs to hear her say it.
She looks up at him through alluring hazel eyes. “You.”
“What about me?” Is it cruel that he needs her to confess it? Tormenting her by making her say it aloud?
Olivia lowers her eyes again and whispers, “I hate you.”
Ethan’s hand stills on her arm. Pressing his forehead to the side of her temple he answers, “I don’t believe that’s true, at all.” He slides his hand to her hip, tugging her closer to him.
Olivia bites at her fingernails nervously, covering her mouth. Her stomach twists in anxious knots as she lays out her feelings. “I hate the way you make me feel,” she concedes.
Ethan inhales a deep breath, letting it breeze out warm and slow against her ear again. Finally, he gets to the truth. Capturing her hand, he pulls it down, away from her mouth. Not feeling the need to control or overpower her in this moment his voice is gentle, “Look at me.”
Trembling with vulnerability, she turns so they’re chest to chest. Raising her eyes, she locks his gaze to hers; green to hazel, the soulful energy of their connection, ineffable.
“How do I make you feel?” His heart is beating with a strange wobble, nervous about her answer.
“Frightened.” She pauses, swallowing hard. Ashamed at her admission, she exhales as she whispers, “Excited.”
“I see.”
Lifting her hand to his mouth, he kisses each of her knuckles one at a time. Closing her eyes, Olivia escapes his stare for just a few moments, gathering her thoughts before speaking again, “You make me feel like I’ve lost control… of my thoughts… my emotions.”
“Is that so bad?” Ethan presses her palm to his chest so she can feel the rhythmic beating of his heart. “You’re not the only one who feels that way. The moment I saw you, my heart beat your name.”
Damn him and his ridiculously romantic side, she’s never going to survive it. Her words are laced with fear. “I need to stay in control.”
“Why?” When she doesn’t answer, his Irish brogue suddenly becomes thick and Irishy. “Sweetheart, you’re no more in control of what’s happening between us than I am. Whatever this is… it has its own destiny. We can merely follow its path.”
“Give in to its force,” she adds, knowing that he’s stating the truth. It’s increasingly hard to fight.
“Yes, bend to its will,” he encourages.
Olivia is adrift in his eyes. Lost in his words. Hopelessly held captive under his spell.
Moving his hands to her hips, Ethan pulls her closer. Her nerves tingle with the anticipation of his next move. Kiss me; just kiss me already.

Also available on Smashwords, Apple Ibooks, B&N, and Kobo

Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Release ~ Hot Nights & Sexy Aliens for 99¢! Plus, enter to WIN $25 GC!

Hello! Well, Canada Day has passed, and the country is inching closer to celebrating 150 years. With the holiday falling in the middle of the week, we ended up having our family barbeque and fireworks Saturday night instead. Though, we did catch the city fireworks display on Wednesday night.

July 1st was also a special day for me for two other reasons. Back in 2011, my debut story, Celestial Seduction, was released with Decadent Publishing. So, I celebrated four years published. I also celebrated a new box set release, which contains two titles that are set in Ottawa, Canada's capital city.

To celebrate these two events, I've been on tour, sharing top ten lists, teasers, and extended excerpts. I've also hosted a contest for a $25 GC, and I wanted to give you all a chance to win. So, be sure to enter, then check out my new release and an extended excerpt below...

An Alien to Love
A collection of 1Night Stand stories
By Jessica E. Subject

Five HOT 1Night Stand stories by Jessica E. Subject about sexy heroes from other planets.

What do a librarian, a nurse, a director’s assistant, a housekeeper, and an orphan have in common? They all end up spending an evening with a gorgeous stranger. But, will one night lead to more, or will the women end up running away when they learn their sexy suitor comes from another planet? Find out in these five sensual 1Night Stand stories by sci-fi romance author, Jessica E. Subject.

Contains: Celestial Seduction, Satin Sheets in Space, Another Night, Another Planet, His Alien Virgin, and Her Alien Hero
Available from
Amazon US | UK | Canada | Australia | Germany

Enjoy an Extended Excerpt...

Extended Excerpt from Satin Sheets in Space, part of the An Alien to Love digital box set by Jessica E. Subject

As if reading her mind, he reached down, gathering her skirt. Goosebumps formed on her exposed legs from the cool breeze. But the heated desire racing through her body from his ravishing mouth burned them away with haste. She’d never been kissed so passionately.

With one hand holding her skirt tight, he slid his other between her legs, trailing his hand along the cloth of her thong. She shivered, awaiting penetration of any kind. She creamed against the small piece of fabric as he rubbed her swollen mound.

“Oh, that’s what I like.” He reached down to catch the juices running down her leg then grabbed a handful of material and ripped. “But these were getting in the way.”

Tossing her underwear away, he explored her slick folds. She whimpered as he brushed his finger along her clit. She wanted more, all of him. When he slid his digit inside, she moaned, her core tightening around him. Finally.

He kissed along her neck, nipping her skin, intensifying her pleasure. Two more fingers slipped into her. Weak-kneed, she rode up and down his digits, intense pressure welling deep within. She sucked in short, sharp breaths. Too much time had passed since she’d had anything but toys and her own appendages touching her most intimate spots.

In a blinding explosion, she released. “God, yes!”

She rode the exhilarating wave as he continued to pump her. Her muscles relaxed, but she still yearned for him. Their night had just begun.

“Why don’t we go somewhere else and continue this? We can get a room if you want.” She didn’t care where as long as they were off the street and had a little more privacy. The possibility of someone catching them excited her, but she didn’t want the rest of their time together interrupted.

“I have the perfect place, if you’re willing to trust me.”

How could she? She’d just met him, didn’t even know his name. Yet she refused to say no, couldn’t have him walk away and leave her alone and needy. She’d go wherever he wanted to take her, whether to a bondage dungeon or a closet. So long as he took her, over and over.

Because, for once, she’d found a guy who pleasured her without her asking. She planned to return the favor as soon as they left the alley.

With one hand gripping her ass, he skimmed a finger back across her slick folds. “Well, do you?”

Only aware of her growing need, she nodded.

He returned to her slippery heat, plunging in and out. “First, tell me your name.”

“Danyka.” Her name rolled out as she moaned with his movements.

“Okay, Danyka, hold onto me.”

How could she not? He’d transformed her knees, her entire body, to jelly with his touch. She already gripped his sleeves, afraid if she let go she’d fall, slide down the wall.

Pulling some kind of remote from his pocket, he pressed the single white button on its surface. He slipped the device back into his pouch then leaned forward to reclaim her mouth.

She had her eyes closed, her lips pressed against his, when the sensation started. First, a tingling in her hands and feet, as he swept his digits deep inside her. The buzz spread up her arms and legs until it engulfed her entire body. She no longer sensed the ground below her.

The man continued to drive his fingers into her core with vigor, ridding her of the urge to pull away and find out what was happening to her. She landed with a thud, feeling returning to her limbs. Nothing stopped the man who held her, though. He continued to ravage her mouth, her jaw, her neck, keeping her pressed against the wall.

But something felt different. Gone was the hard brick pressing through her corset and against her skin. She reached behind to brush her hand along the surface. Soft. Almost like cushioned satin.

With a whimper, she pushed the strange man away. Where was she? What had she been thinking? This is the stupidest, most insane thing I’ve ever done.

The Prince Charming she’d had the fortune of being set up with peered down at her, his gaze intense and filled with lust. “My name is Galan, and we’re in my spaceship.”

At least she now knew his name, but wait…. Spaceship? She stared at the man, disillusioned. She could think of no other explanation for how they had traveled to a new location with the press of a button. Oh God, she’d been abducted by an alien. How would she get out of this situation? The first time she’d done something spur-of-the-moment, and she’d ended up being finger-fucked by an extraterrestrial.

Or was this some kind of elaborate stunt Josh had pulled off? But why? He was on his honeymoon, unable to enjoy his handiwork. Her body grew numb; a loud ringing pierced her eardrums. She could no longer think with the clouds invading her mind. Then she blacked out.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Why I smiled on Canada Day

Every once in a while, something happens to me as an author that makes me squeal like a little girl. One was opening up my email to find a message saying that one of my books was going to be featured by Kobo Canada as part of their Canada Day sale*.  Seeing my title up there beside big name authors like Kelley Armstrong, Joy Fielding, or celebrities like Rick Mercer or Col. Chris Hadfield? Yup, huge thrill.

If you're in the States, don't feel bad. You can also get No Accounting for Cowboys for 99 cents until the end of July through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo*. So if you're planning on heading down to the beach or just curl up and take advantage of your AC, here's a great full length romance to read.

Jake Grady loves Bull’s Hollow ranch and all the challenges and hard work it entails. But the past year hasn’t been easy—his father’s good name has been tarnished, and new financial problems are threatening to destroy everything the Gradys have built. Performing live under a stage name has become his escape, a way of blowing off some serious steam.

Accountant Paige Reynolds found Jake’s guitar-playing alter ego intriguing, but her connection with the real Jake sends her attraction into overdrive. When she’s summoned to make order out of the chaotic paper trail at Bull’s Hollow, he sets her world a-rocking—both in bed and out. But Paige has a plan; she’s determined to create her own path for the future, but is soon left scrambling for firmer ground.

Good news about Jake’s potential singing career is followed by the revelation of another family secret, one that has him questioning whether he belongs at Bull’s Hollow at all. But leaving the ranch would mean leaving his family…and Paige. How much is he willing to give up for a real shot at fame?

Recommended Reada sexy read that sizzled off the pages…well penned with twists and turns that added intrigue to a strong cast of characters. There’s family, love, hope, endings, and new beginnings, everything that will have anyone with a romantic heart cheering in the end. ~ Lace, BlackRaven’s Reviews
purestdelightaward10-300x300Impossible to put down; No Accounting For Cowboys was filled with twists, turns, and secrets new and old making it another fine offering from author Leah Braemel. ~ Slick, Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews

(*If you're using Kobo Canada's site, you can find No Accounting for Cowboys on their Canada Day sale page for 99 cents, but the book's own page has a glitch that is showing the full price. You should only be charged 99 cents.) 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

NOW AVAILABLE: Timeless Heart by @KarynGerrard #Canadian #TimeTravel #99Cents

by Karyn Gerrard
KG Publishing
Time Travel/Fantasy/Contemporary
30,432 Words
Release Date: June 9th 2015

Hi all! I am pleased this e-book has been re-released. I've added more than 7500 words and it got a buff and shine as well. Takes place in Nova Scotia (my home province) on the east coast of Canada and this was my very first release in May 2011 so the story has a warm fuzzy place in my heart. Available only at Amazon for the first 90 days, then it will be available elsewhere. Snatch it up! Only 99 cents, and if by chance you have Kindle Unlimited, its free! ~Cheers ~Karyn

Suffering from burnout, elementary school teacher Sandra Cranston is on leave and trying to eliminate stress from her life. That plan is blown when she discovers an abandoned carriage deep in the woods. Inside is a man, Jerrod Ross, who fuels all of her wicked Regency dreams and fantasies. Take him home? Sure, why not?
Jerrod Ross has been ripped from the only world he has ever known—1821 Cornwall, England. A mine owner with many responsibilities, all he wants to do is return to his time. But his growing attraction for the lovely lady who found him makes staying in the future a temptation he finds hard to resist.
Torn between duty and desire, past and future, the hardest thing Sandra and Jerrod will do is admit their feelings. Or say—goodbye.

Previously published. Re-edited, revised, and more than 7500 words added.
Heat Level: Very sensual

AVAILABLE ONLY AT AMAZON for 90 Days, then will be released to other vendors.
FREE READ at KU (Kindle Unlimited)


Sandra, with eyes closed, soaked in the lush bubbles, her head resting on the bath pillow. She’d been tempted to go to Jerrod’s room and knock on the door and offer comfort and sympathy, but ultimately decided to leave him in peace. Could she have handled the conversation between them any better? Hardly. Jerrod had to be told what she found out, and she couldn’t blame his reaction either. The look of raw devastation on his handsome face cut straight through her heart. She hurt for him. Maybe she should check on him after her soak.
A deep sensuous voice filled the silence. “Move forward, Sandra.”
            Gasping, her eyes snapped open.  “I thought you retired for the night?”
“I’ve had a change of heart.” He gave her a brief, but sensual smile. “I am not a man who wallows for long in a state of piteous self-indulgence. In fact, I am more of a man of action.”
Jerrod stood next to the tub gloriously naked. And aroused. What a delicious sight. Taking a moment to savor the view, she realized things between them were moving in a different direction tonight. The prospect of sex with this man amped her desire right off the charts. Good thing she owned an old-fashioned clawed foot tub that could easily accommodate them both. As she slid forward, Jarrod stepped in behind her and sank to his knees, gently pulling her against his hard chest. Slowly and with purpose, he stroked her skin.
“Allow me to wash you,” he whispered. His arousal pressed heavy and thick against her back. While massaging her scalp, he laid kisses along the exposed part of her neck setting her skin ablaze. With a flip of the cap of her bottle of bodywash, the odor of grapefruit filled the air. He moved his gel-covered hands in circular motions on her neck, then down to her shoulders. “Still not fond of the scent, but on you it is quite enticing,” he murmured. White, foamy suds oozed through his fingers while he lingered on her breasts. She reached for a washcloth and with a trembling hand, held it behind her.
“Maybe you would like to use this,” she whispered.
“I want no impediment between my hands and your glorious skin,” his husky voice rumbled.
Obviously, what in hell was she thinking? What did she know about bathtub seduction rules? Sandra threw the damp cloth across the room where it landed with a splat against the toilet tank. No impediment. Check.

Cover art by Cora Graphics

AUTHOR INFO: Karyn lives in a small town in the western corner of Ontario, Canada. She whiles away her spare time writing and reading romance while drinking copious amounts of Earl Grey tea. Tortured heroes are a must. A multi-published author with a few bestsellers under her belt, Karyn loves to write historicals, particularly in the Victorian era. She also writes the occasional contemporary.
As long as she can avoid being hit by a runaway moose in her wilderness paradise she assumes everything is golden.

Karyn’s been happily married for a long time to her own hero. His encouragement keeps her moving forward.

     Karyn's Site/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest/Tsu/Amazon Page