Wednesday, November 1, 2017

50k or Bust: #NaNoWriMo2017 #AmWriting @LDBlakeley

It's that time of year again!

Do you NaNo? I have a few times, but have only managed to do it successfully once. I've decided to give it a whirl again this year since my writing schedule somehow magically aligned with NaNoWriMo. There was no scurrying around trying to come up with a story idea. And because I'm writing the third book in a series, banging out character sketches and plotting storyline didn't make me want to pull out my hair. Much.

I'm so organized I could cry.

Actually, I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself by putting all that out into the universe. That's how that works, right?

In any event, NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, for the unindoctrinated) kicks off today. And while 50,000 words in one month may sound somewhat daunting, it's not so bad if you break it down into daily chunks. 50,000 words in 30 days? Yikes. But 1,667 words in one day? A bit less nail bitey.

SO not my desk. It's far too neat, and the size of that coffee is laughable.

I know a lot of full-time writers can hit this word count goal in their sleep. But for someone like me (quite possibly the slowest writer in all of Canada; most definitely the slowest one in the Greater Toronto Area) I can drag 50,000 words into months and months of writing, no matter how inspired I'm feeling. So for me, NaNoWriMo is the perfect virtual cheerleader.

I like dropping by Twitter or Instagram (provided, of course, I don't get sucked into a day-long scroll) for a bit of a check-in with other participants. Knowing so many others are in the same boat can sometimes give me that extra bit of oomph I need to push past a scene or chapter.

I'm a 2017 NaNoWriMo Participant!

If you'd like to join in the fun, head on over to and sign up. And if you'd like to add me as a writing buddy – you can find me HERE. I'd love the company!

With that said, I have a word count to meet. See you in 30 days!

Happy writing,

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